CREATING AN ART BOND between the Gallery, Installer, Artist and the Collectors.
Featured image above: Sold a Chris Boffoli! photograph, “Snowblower” at Winston Wachter gallery

Musing about how artist relationships unfold and develop. I met the artist, Omar Chacon through a close buddy of his and neighbor of mine in the Hamptons after seeing his work at art fairs over the years. I contacted him and asked if he would like to be exhibited in a lobby, we met at 270 Madison Ave. and he agreed to lease his work. We photographed his painting, which Duggal produced and installed on a

The lobby was an overall success, the tenants loved the colors and shine, so much so that a work sold and we replaced it with another work of art of Omar’s. Old Friends of mine saw similar work when we were at the Pulse Miami art fair, 2017. I invited them to the gallery in NYC, Thatcher Projects and then to Omar’s home/studio where they connected as both had lived in Miami.
They bought a beautiful unique work of his – my favorite work on paper of Omar’s!

Nobu Fukui & Margaret Thatcher Thatcher Projects